Rubio’s Sip Unhinges Lefty FL Watch Action

By now everybody in the entire world knows that Senator Marco Rubio took a very awkward drink of water during the GOP rebuttal of  the state of the union address given by President Barack Obama.

If you are like me, you probably laughed out loud at this hysterical moment that was captured forever on television. Indeed, even the senator poked fun at himself, within moments of concluding his speech, he tweeted out this picture of the now infamous bottle of water:

As most Americans have now moved on to more pressing issues like the economy and the budget, the progressive left is stuck on the sip. A local liberal organization known as Florida Watch Action, which is a spinoff of the now defunct ACORN, has spent today furiously photoshopping picures of Marco Rubio sipping water, tweeting out the following:

and lastly,

Obviously, the left is DESPERATE to ridicule Marco Rubio.

He is a very popular, charismatic republican, and more importantly a conservative who is on the 2016 presidential shortlist. Any good community organizer trained in Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”, knows that ridicule is man’s most potent weapon when trying to neutralize an opponent.

But this time the ridicule is too ridiculous and Rubio-ridiculers at FL Watch Action look like juvenile idiots. As far as photoshopping goes, this stuff is very lame. I guess they didn’t learn that ridicule has to be funny in order to be effective.

This morning, Rubio made the rounds on the news shows and when asked about his sip of water, Rubio laughingly replied that God has a funny way of reminding us we’re human.

I would say that Rubio’s recovery was very Reagan-esque. He is a rockstar, no doubt.




Who is Stealing the Florida Vote?

The collective left is SCREAMING about the “purging of the voter rolls” in Florida and that Governor Scott is “STEALING” the election! From MSNBC host Rachel Maddow to Central Florida’s own Congresswoman Corrine Brown, liberals are calling on Rick Scott to stop validating the voter rolls. Some of this outrage comes from people who have yet to concede the 2000 presidential election. Sun-Sentinel quotes Rep. Alcee Hastings as referring to the 2000 election as “the stolen election”!

Let’s apply some common sense to the situation at hand!

Can we find some common ground here? The goal of reasonable people is to conduct a valid election. In order to safeguard the integrity of the voting process it is essential to verify that each potential ballot comes from an eligible voter. The only way to ensure this happens is to update the voter rolls routinely. The state is in the process of doing this but the Left is trying to convince the public that there is some great CONSPIRACY to steal the election!

Below is a portion of a post at the website of Florida Watch Action calling for anybody who has received a letter from the state about their voter registration to contact them. Florida Watch Action is headed by Susannah Randolph, the former political director of ACORN and also the former campaign manager for Alan “Die-Quickly” Grayson. It is important to note ACORN is the organization that was involved in voter fraud scandals across the country including arrests in Florida and was stripped of all federal funding in 2009. Mrs. Randolph is the wife of state representative Scott Randolph, democrat county chairman who is seeking to be state chairman of the Democrat Party. Last year, Rep. Randolph got the public’s attention when he allegedly physically and verbally attacked fellow democrat, Daphne Campbell, on the floor of the state house.

Removed from the voter rolls? Let us know!

County officials are mailing letters to people who face potential purging from the voter rolls. The letter indicates that the voter is illegally registered to vote and that the very act of casting a ballot would constitute a third-degree felony. The letters also make clear that those who wish to appeal the state’s finding have 30 days to provide evidence of citizenship or their names will be purged from voter rolls. The letters do not specify the documents required to prove one’s citizenship status.

We are working with our partners to stop Pink Slip Rick from stealing the 2012 election. Our first step is contacting people who have received these letters.

                       ****color added by me for emphasis****

The shear IRONY of a former ACORN director accusing somebody of “stealing the election” causes me pause!

Why does the notion of a state-wide voting database in which the validity of each voter is routinely verified strike such fear into these progressive democrats? Florida Watch Action accuses Governor Scott of trying to “steal the 2012 election” by requiring our election supervisors to be vigilant to vulnerabilities in our election process. Voter rolls are being checked and cross referenced. That process requires suspect registrations to be further documented and thus verified. To equate this with criminal activity is just irresponsible!

Another thing I hear from the democrats is that voter fraud is so insignificant that we should not be concerned about it. They have called requiring a photo identification a form of voter suppression. In fact, leaders in the democrat party have asserted that states’ voter ID requirements are racist and equated them to the Jim Crow laws. So-called moderate Senator Bill Nelson participated in this manufactured outrage by hosting a Senate hearing to determine whether these new voter laws violated anybody’s civil rights.

But, let’s remember that the presidential election of 2000 was decided by the state of Florida where it came down to a 537 vote difference. This shows why no amount of fraud can be tolerated or overlooked. We must make sure each vote counts!

Media Bias:Orlando Sentinel & Alan Grayson Wannabes

Central Florida Conservatives: Please check out the Orlando Sentinel column written  by Mark Schlueb entitled: Randolphs are  Orlando’s Liberal Power Couple. I found it to be long on praise and short on scrutiny.

There is no doubt that the Democrat Party of Orange County has been hijacked by the radical left! I’ve seen the RANDOLPH RADICALS at work.

Scott Randolph is a State House Representative and the Orange County Chairman of the Democrat Party. The first time I saw Scott Randolph, he was shouting down District 8 constituents at at town hall hosted by former Congressman Alan Grayson.  I was one of the 31 constituents who were allowed in the union hall which was heavily stacked with democrats including Scott Randolph. This was my first exposure to the Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals tactics of the progressive left. I specifically recall Scott Randolph because he shouted at one of the constituents to sit down. I truly couldn’t believe that an elected official would act that way.

But, Scott Randolph has had at least one other such outburst. I find it outrageous that Sentinel Columnist Mark Schlueb fails to mention the heated altercation Scott Randolph had with freshman democrat Rep. Daphne Campbell. In the 2011 legislation session, Rep. Scott Randolph was so outraged that Rep. Campbell broke party lines and voted for pro-life bills that he threatened her. Campbell describes the event:

“He come to me and he took all the books on the table and he flung them at my face…with a lot of ‘F’ words, several times…and he said ‘I swear! You could never be reelected! I swear! I’m going to get an opponent to replace you!’”

Campbell, who is black, demanded a public apology from Scott Randolph, but Randolph denies throwing any thing at her.

There is no doubt Scott Randolph is a hardcore liberal radical. As an Alan Grayson wannabe, Randolph knows that bad behavior gets him an interview  on MSNBC.

Mrs. Randolph is every bit as radical as her husband.

Almost a year ago, I attended a school choice town hall in which Mrs. Randolph organized union representatives and rent-a-mob types to disrupt the event. I have witnessed how she coordinates with the media to make sure her talking points get in the news. I’ve seen her orchestrate ambushes of  Governor Rick Scott in which she strategically places her minions in front of the news cameras.  Mrs. Randolph is also linked with Occupy Orlando, a group that has had over 40 arrests.

It’s radicals like the Randolphs that make Reagan Democrats a reality!

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