FL CAIR goes JIHAD on Law Enforcement Trainer.

Hassan Shibly-CAIR


You know how after 9-11, we all looked around and asked “Were there warning signs we missed? Did we overlook red flags?”  Well, the public should be aware that CAIR is at work trying to undermine the law enforcement that keeps us safe against Islamic terrorists.

We can choose to ignore what CAIR is doing right now and hope that things work out for us. But, when the next tragedy happens, will those who knew about this yet did nothing, wish that they had spoken up?

Below is an editorial written by Alan Kornman of The United West that documents CAIR’s attack on a specific law enforcement trainer right here in Florida. We cannot remain silent as they come for Sam Kharoba!

CAIR Goes Jihad on Law Enforcement Trainer

By Alan Kornman

I attended the June 27-29, 2011 Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Intelligence Operations Guide for Islamist Terrorism class taught by Sam Kharoba who is now under attack from a coalition of some 30 Muslim organizations led by CAIR Tampa Director Hassan Shibly.

Throughout the entire 20 hour class Mr. Kharoba repeatedly stressed that he was teaching Islamic doctrine, theology, and culture as it pertains to Islamist terrorism, not the individual followers of Islam.  Yet despite all these qualifiers CAIR and other Muslim groups are trying to paint Mr. Kahroba with all the misleading racial buzz word propaganda they can throw on the wall.

CAIR Florida Director Hassan Shibly, esq.

On June 9, 2012, I attended a “Know Your Rights Civil Liberties Conference” presented by CAIR Tampa Director Hassan Shibly, Esq.  Mr. Shibly taught his predominately Muslim audience to be very distrustful of the FBI and law enforcement because they may entrap any Muslim if the opportunity presents itself.   It is beyond belief that at his own  Civil Liberties Conference, Hassan Shibly tried to violate my civil liberties by saying, “…anyone writing for the purposes of defaming the Muslim community or writing about the Muslim community or like, would be considered trespassing.”  Mr. Shibly, who is also an attorney,  was trying to violate my free speech with the threat of legal action and intimidation,  now he is going after Mr. Sam Kharoba.

During the June 9 Civil Liberties Conference Hassan Shibly quotes Sam Kharoba directly.  Mr. Shibly said, “ Sam Kharoba taught that anyone who wears their watch on their right hand is an extremist and you better watch out for that brother, he’s wearing it on his right hand you better watch out for him.”  Mr. Shibly’s quote is untrue.   I attended Mr. Kharoba’s training class and he told us that a Muslim who wears his watch on his right hand is Shariah compliant, which is a factual statement.


C.A.I.R.: The Defender of American Liberty, Really?

This weekend I got a chance to listen to a representative of C.A.I.R. address Muslims about their civil liberties and how their rights are being violated by the U.S. government, by law enforcement and by private citizens. I emphasize the word “listen” because I didn’t get to actually see the representative. You see, I had to be hidden behind a fence from the men.

As I sat in this fenced area of the mosque along with the other Muslim women, the C.A.I.R. representative spoke to us about our rights. This man promised that C.A.I.R. would protect the rights of all Muslim Americans. The men in the audience asked many questions of the speaker. There was no reason for us women to raise our hands to ask questions of the speaker- because of the fence, he could not see our raised our hands. The speaker never addressed us women who were hidden from view.

If I COULD have asked a question, here is one that comes to my mind immediately:  Speaking of rights, are you concerned about the right of women not to be segregated from the male population like second class citizens? Or perhaps, I should have just taken a page from Ronald Reagan and shouted “TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!”

Apparently, representatives from C.A.I.R. are not only meeting with the community but also with our intelligence agencies. The Daily Caller reports:

The Justice Department’s inspector general is investigating the FBI’s contacts with the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

The investigation comes amid increased pressure from Virginia Republican Rep. Frank Wolf to end formal and informal contacts between FBI officials and CAIR.

The White House, however, is prodding federal agencies to meet with CAIR, which has close ties to Islamist groups, such as HAMAS. “There is hundreds of examples of departments and agencies that meet with CAIR on a range of issues,” George Selim, the White House’s new director for community partnerships, told The Daily Caller June 7.

“I was was shocked, but not surprised” at the news about the White House’s outreach to CAIR, Wolf told TheDC on Monday.

“For the administration to be meeting with these people is disappointing and shocking, but … the administration is disappointing,” Wolf said.

CAIR is especially controversial because of its many links to the theocratic Muslim Brotherhood, whose political wing is set to dominate Egyptian politics since the 2011 departure of Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak.

In 2009 a judge confirmed the Justice Department’s decision to name CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation conspiracy to smuggle funds to HAMAS, which is a jihadi affiliate of the Egypt-based brotherhood. Five men in the smuggling ring were sentenced to jail in 2009, including two who were given 65-year sentences. Five current or former CAIR employees have been jailed or deported for terror-related offenses.

How should we respond to Muslims who claim they are being attacked for their Islamic faith? It is worth noting the reaction of Florida Representative Allen West when he was confronted by the Florida director of C.A.I.R. at a townhall:
Stay tuned!